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Author Topic: What does Radiation Protection Technician job consists of?  (Read 13780 times)

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Offline jhodges

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And whoever is doing it how hard was school can you just do well with an associates degree? Do you have to be good in math and science because those are my weaker subjects.........

Offline Rennhack

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Radiation Protection Technician
Radiation protection technicians measure and record radiation levels; in addition, they service and calibrate radiation protection instruments and equipment. They play a vital role in ensuring the safety of employees working in radiation areas, as well as the facility’s compliance with radiation requirements.

The Skills Needed
Operation of survey instruments (Ion Chambers, Geiger-Mueller, Extendable Probe instruments), and count rate meters (Friskers)
Perform Radiation and Contamination Surveys
Perform Airborne Radioactivity Survey
Radioactive Material Movement and Storage on owner controlled property, (does not include 49 CFR Shipping criteria)
Radiological Posting/Deposting
Respond To Radiological Alarms (e.g., CAM, ARM, PCM, and dosimetry, etc.)
Operate Continuous Air Monitors (CAMs)
Provide Radiological Job Coverage
Provide High Risk Radiological Job Coverage
Direct/Perform Area and Equipment Decontamination
Survey Material for Unconditional Release
Personnel Decontamination
Monitor and Coach workers in the RCA including their ingress and egress
Operation of HEPA Vacuum and/or Ventilation Equipment
Remote Radiological Monitoring

The Education/Experience Needed
A high school diploma or GED is required, as well as two years of experience and on-the-job training and successful completion of the required training and examination.

On-the-Job Training
A radiation protection technician receives continuous on-the-job training.

A Competitive Salary
The median salary for a radiation protection technician is $69,720. Actual compensation is higher due to overtime, bonuses or incentive compensation.

Source for salary data: Bureau of Labor Statistics, May 2012

Offline Rennhack

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And whoever is doing it how hard was school can you just do well with an associates degree? Do you have to be good in math and science because those are my weaker subjects.........

If you can use most of the buttons on your calculator, you should be able to handle the math, which is typically only needed for competency testing.  The REAL math is handled by computers.  The math you will use is about 10% of your overall skill set.
« Last Edit: Jan 10, 2016, 10:53 by Rennhack »

Offline GLW

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  • caveo proditor,...
........... Do you have to be good in math and science because those are my weaker subjects.........

You have to be good at comprehension and application,....

If those are your weaker subjects due to inability to comprehend then move along to something else,....

If those are your weaker subjects due to your unmotivated application of the tasks associated with those subjects then you may do well,...

You will then either rise to the challenge of the discipline or fall by the wayside,....

Your choice,....  [coffee]

been there, dun that,... the doormat to hell does not read "welcome", the doormat to hell reads "it's just business"

Offline jhodges

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Thank you all so going to school for this is pointless? and also is it a difference between getting my associate or my ba degree?

Offline Rennhack

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Thank you all so going to school for this is pointless? and also is it a difference between getting my associate or my ba degree?

That is incorrect.

It your goal is to be an RP Tech your whole life... You can get an AS, which will help you get hired, and give you credit towards the minimum 2 years required experience. -- Without it, why hire you over the people WITH a degree?

If you ever want to get promoted beyond Technician, you will likely need a BS.  Think about the future, not just next week.

Offline Brett LaVigne

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All good responses. But I would add this little tid bit, which I think is probably just as important if not more important than knowing a lot of technical health physics stuff.

Thinking on your feet and being able to problem solve when things don't go as planned. And maybe the most important thing... Knowing how to get along with people. Understanding that you are in charge of radiological safety during the job and as a RP Tech, that is your priority. Where the craft (or whoever you are covering) may have priorities aligned in a different way than you because they feel pressure to get the job completed and are not usually focused on RP controls like we are. If you can apply radiological controls during the job, keeping them and you out of trouble, and do it in a firm but polite mannor, you will be better than most. You let the craft know that you are there to help keep them safe, and try to stay out of the way as much as practical, they will often times have much more respect for what you are doing and be more helpful. Often times, the workers know more about what to be worried about than the RP's do. If they are on your side, they will often help make you successful.

Just my 2 cents.
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Offline SloGlo

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Thank you all so going to school for this is pointless? and also is it a difference between getting my associate or my ba degree?
iffen yew due knot go two school, yule hafta figger a weigh inn too the biz. moor than likely that wood bee dune sum decon work four a cupla years until you can get a break. then you can dew the junior r.p. tech work four years, suffering the crap the awl mighty senior tex can throw at cha, oar the s_____ the holey of wholies, the rad enginears can a sine two yew.
butt, iffen ya educate yore self, the knew clear whirled is you're  oyster.
da options are all yores.
quando omni flunkus moritati

dubble eye, dubble yew, dubble aye!

dew the best ya kin, wit watt ya have, ware yinze are!


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