Hey Snake,
I think Broadzilla is actually a guy. Although he doesn't specify a gender in his profile, he signs a lot of his posts "Mike". Of course, I could be wrong. If so, I apologize. But then, (s)he could be both. Some people are. Note that the word "gender" doesn't actually apply to people anyway. It is a grammatical term used to describe nouns - the three genders are: masculine, feminine, and neuter. People, on the other hand, have no "gender", we have a "sex". There are only two sexes - male and female. Despite transgenderism, homosexuality, transvestitism, Marylin Manson, and all that other stuff, a human (other than the very rare hermaphrodite) is either male or female (even if castrated). But, "sex" is a dirty word that makes a lot of people blush, so we use the incorrect word to be sensitive.
Anyway, "Mike" (or Broadzilla) is generally a fairly polite and sensitive poster here. Maybe he just missed an opportunity to be more politic about saying what he meant. You see, I just wrote a whole paragraph about a very touchy subject. I tried to be inoffensive, but some will probably be offended anyway; just because I mentioned some things that make them uncomfortable. Above all, he's right about one thing - you gotta be careful and look out for yourself.