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Software for ODCM calculations
« on: Aug 11, 2006, 08:11 »
Does anyone know of available software for performing ODCM types of calculations?  I know a few plants have homegrown stuff, but is anything commersially available?
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Re: Software for ODCM calculations
« Reply #1 on: Aug 15, 2006, 08:26 »
I would not suggest commercially available software for ODCM calculations.  The fundamentals are based on NRC Regulatory Guides like 1.109 but there are site specific issues that may make the software incompatable and it probably will involve liquid pathways.  One example is VC Summer.  Their liquid discharges go to either Monticello Reservoir or to the penstocks of the Parr Hydro facility.  The calculations for Monticello are cumulative activity (if memory serves) and the penstock dilutions are based on how many of the hydroelectric(s) are running.  Parr hydro is then pumped back up to the Monticello reservoir when demand slacks, etc.  Other facilities are on rivers, oceans, etc but few are as weird as Summer's.  For airborne, the calculations are a little more straightforward and might be OK. 

Each plant is modeled based on its site specific parameters and (I am guessing here) there are probably too many variations for commercial software.  We may have standard RETS and TS, but not mother nature.


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